Boosting Revenue and Charge Point Utilization with HOBACA: Managing Overstaying at EV Charging Stations Parking Lots after the Session is finished
February 9, 2024

As the electric vehicle (EV) revolution gains momentum, the demand for charging infrastructure continues to grow. EV charging station operators face various challenges, one of which is the issue of overstaying. Overstaying at charging stations can be a major headache for operators, as it reduces charge point utilization and impacts revenue. Fortunately, there’s a solution on the horizon: the HOBACA platform. In this blog post, we’ll explore how HOBACA helps operators address the problem of overstaying and boost their revenue and charge point utilization.

EV charging station categories

Charging stations for electric vehicles can be categorized into two primary groups: commercial and private. Private charging stations serve individual needs and are often situated in homes. These stations offer fundamental scheduling and power control features, catering to personal requirements. On the other hand, commercial charging stations are strategically placed in public areas, designed to provide charging services as a business endeavor.

The Overstaying Problem: EV charging stations are in high demand, and it’s common for drivers to leave their vehicles plugged in even after their charging sessions are complete. This overstaying can lead to several issues:

  • Reduced Charge Point Utilization: Overstaying vehicles occupy valuable charging spots, preventing other EV owners from accessing the charging infrastructure.
  • Lost Revenue: Operators miss out on potential revenue as the charging station is effectively blocked by vehicles that have already completed their charging.
  • Frustration Among EV Owners: Long wait times due to overstaying can lead to frustration among EV owners, potentially discouraging them from using the charging station again.

HOBACA: The Solution

HOBACA is a platform designed to tackle the overstaying problem at EV charging stations. This solution offers operators the tools they need to manage overstaying effectively and improve their overall business operations.

Key Features of HOBACA:

  • Overstay Management: HOBACA allows operators to monitor and control overstaying at their charging stations. When a charging session is completed, the platform notifies the operator, who can then take appropriate action.
  • Customizable Configuration: The platform offers complete flexibility when it comes to configuration and pricing. Operators can tailor the system to their specific needs, ensuring that it aligns with their business model.
  • Boosted Revenue: By charging customers for overstaying, operators can significantly increase their revenue. HOBACA ensures that operators are compensated for every minute a vehicle occupies a charging spot beyond the allotted time.
  • Improved Charge Point Utilization: With overstaying under control, more EV owners can access the charging station, leading to better charge point utilization and happier customers.

Tailored Applications: HOBACA is adaptable to various scenarios and use cases. It empowers operators to create custom solutions that suit their unique circumstances and requirements.

Configuring HOBACA for Your Needs

  • Operators can configure HOBACA according to their preferences and business objectives. Here’s how the platform can be customized:
  • Pricing Model: Operators can set the pricing structure for overstaying, whether it’s a flat fee, time-based charges, or a combination of both.
  • Notifications: HOBACA can send automated notifications to EV owners to remind them to move their vehicles after charging is complete.
  • Enforcement Policies: Operators can define enforcement policies, including grace periods and penalties for extended overstaying.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The platform provides operators with valuable insights into charging station usage and revenue generation, helping them make data-driven decisions.

The HOBACA platform offers a powerful solution to one of the main challenges faced by EV charging station operators—overstaying. By effectively managing overstaying, operators can improve charge point utilization, increase revenue, and enhance the overall EV charging experience for their customers. With its customizable features and adaptability, HOBACA enables operators to tailor solutions to their specific needs, ensuring a win-win situation for both operators and EV owners. As the EV market continues to expand, platforms like HOBACA are essential for optimizing the efficiency and profitability of charging infrastructure.


Why is overstaying a problem at EV charging stations?

Overstaying at charging stations reduces charge point utilization, preventing other EV owners from accessing the infrastructure. It also leads to lost revenue for operators and can frustrate EV owners waiting for their turn.

How does HOBACA help boost revenue for operators?

HOBACA enables operators to charge customers for overstaying at the charging station. This additional revenue stream helps operators maximize their earnings by ensuring that charging spots are used efficiently.

Can HOBACA be adapted to different scenarios and use cases?

Yes, HOBACA is designed to be adaptable to various scenarios and use cases. It can be customized to suit the unique circumstances and requirements of different charging station operators.

What insights and analytics does HOBACA provide to operators?

HOBACA provides operators with valuable insights into charging station usage and revenue generation. This data helps operators make informed, data-driven decisions to optimize their charging infrastructure.


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